If you have any kind of web presence, it is extremely important to keep track of yourself. Google offers a great tool called Google Alerts, where you can enter a search term and be notified when Google runs across (or rather crawls) those terms. Enter you name, nickname, business name, website, and dog's name, and see who's talking about you (or your dog).
By the way, tracking yourself is only one of the many things you should track using Alerts.
Top 5 Reasons to Keep Track of Yourself with Google Alerts:
1. It's fun to see how popular you are (or are not).
2. You should thank others for their compliments.
3. You should have a chance to defend yourself (or your dog).
4. You should know who your sneezers are.
5. Because it's free and easy!
What other good reasons can you think of to track yourself using Alerts?
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